Revita Wellbeing is a wellness clinic which takes an individually tailored holistic approach to health and beauty. We specialise in intravenous vitamin therapy and booster shots tailored to your specific needs as well as offering a range of other treatment. We believe in a total body approach to beauty and wellness while using natural and effective therapies.

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Safe, Fast &

& Safe

Instantly Hydrates & Can Boost
Energy Levels

Natural Detoxification

Safe, Fast & Effective

An effective way of getting 100% absorption of vitamins straight into the blood stream. It is administered by qualified medical professionals and the whole treatment usually lasts 45mins. Effects of the infusion can sometimes be felt within an hour and can last for days. Significantly more effective then oral multivitamins as there is maximum absorption when bypassing the GI system.

Natural & Safe

Administered under authorisation of a prescribing physician after a full health assessment. Medications are not used within the infusions and use only vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Instantly Hydrates & Can Boost Energy Levels

Fluids packed with electrolytes the drips instantly hydrate when given intravenously.
Can increase energy levels, can improve sleep and boosts the immune system.

Natural Detoxification Method

Perfect for detoxing and removing free radicals from the body. Can increases metabolism and can improve mental clarity. Improves skin health and great at giving a natural healthy glow.